Dec 27, 2022 | SEO Articles | 0 comments

SEO For WordPress

by Frank Surget

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an integral part of any successful website. It’s not something that you can “add” to your site, it must be integrated into the structure and function of every page.

Sadly, though, not everyone seems to understand how important SEO is to their business.

Many entrepreneurs dive in head first, trying all sorts of tricks they read about or heard somewhere else. They spend money investing in various strategies with little-to-no results.

That’s where most people lose out!

By missing the boat when it comes to search engines, they limit their potential exposure and growth. You would think that someone who started their own business would know this by now.

It’s like going into debt upfront without understanding how credit works. Sure, you can take out loans, but then you have to make sure you will pay them back!

The same goes for SEO. People invest heavily in it, but then fail to monitor its effectiveness over time. That can cost them dearly in terms of revenue and credibility.

So what are some easy ways to boost the SEOLookalikelyofAsuccessforyourbusiness? Here are our top five tips for beginner webmasters.

Create a good website structure

When optimizing your site for search engines, one of the first things you should do is create a good website structure. This includes how you organize your pages, what files you use to edit these pages, and how you name these files.

How you lay out your content and web pages can affect your rankings. Search engines like Google consider this information when determining how important your page is.

You want to make sure that they are giving credit where credit is due by investing in quality content if you want to see results.

There are several ways to optimize your website structurally for better ranking. The three main areas we will discuss are URL, HTML header, and image optimization.


Your browser automatically assigns a domain ( to websites with “w” as their suffix. For example, becomes

Use a good website structure

When optimizing your site for search engines, one of the first things you should do is evaluate how well your website is organized.

The most important thing to focus on when organizing any given area of your website or page is whether what’s in there makes sense and is connected to the rest of your website.

This will help ensure that your users can find what they are looking for easily as well as improve the overall usability and navigation of your site!

If something doesn’t seem to connect, maybe it’s time to reevaluate its importance or even remove it completely. That way, your visitors won’t be distracted or confused while exploring your site.

Write quality content

Writing great blogs is not quick or easy, it takes time to develop your writing skills. But you can pick up tricks to write more efficiently every day!

Writing short, crisp sentences and incorporating relevant keywords will help your website gain traffic from search engines. Using pictures and links to make your points even more robust.

Writing great content is one of the most important things to optimize your website for search engines. You should strive to write high-quality material that engages readers, keeps them coming back for more, and provides value.

Content marketing is all about creating valuable experiences for your reader. You want to keep them interested and engaged until they make a purchase or call you out on an opportunity to help them solve a problem.

Your success as a blogger will depend heavily on your writing skills!

If you are struggling to find the right tone or feel like you are talking too fast through your own thoughts, there are several ways to improve your written communication. Taking some time to hone your writing talent can only benefit yourself as well as those who come across your work.

There are many free resources available online to learn how to improve your writing. Yours truly has a dedicated article here at where I cover some tips and tricks for improving your prose.

Post on the internet

Let’s look at another one of our top keywords – how to do business online. This keyword gets over 1 million searches per month!

Most people who use this keyword are looking to learn how to run their own business or improve what they are doing already by running an online business.

There you have, two very important reasons why your website should be sharing information about starting your own business.

So let’s take a closer look at some ways to promote that article via social media, content marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).

Social proof is a powerful tool for promoting articles and products. By including links and references to other sites and companies that share your product or service, you can effectively reinforce the importance of those products and services.

Content marketing is probably the most common form of marketing used today. Creating engaging, high-quality content is a great way to attract new readers to your site.

By producing quality content, you will also help strengthen your brand identity and reputation.

That being said, there are many different strategies you can use to optimize your site for search engines. In this section, we will talk about some of the less technical ones.

Link your website to other sites

One of the most important things you can do as an entrepreneur is to link up with others to promote their business and themselves. By linking out from your site, you are creating exposure for yourself, their company, and potential customers.

Link-up tools such as Google+, Facebook, and Twitter all offer a way to create a link to another site. Create a profile on one of these networks to gain more links!

By adding resources and information about your business, you will draw attention to yourself and what you have to offer. The more links there are to your site, the higher the chance people will visit it and find useful content.

This will help improve your online presence and get people talking about you and your products/services.

Another way to improve your website’s ranking is by linking to other sites. When possible, make sure to link from relevant domains that are not directly connected to yours.

Linking out, it creates an opportunity for more traffic to be drawn to your site due to the quality of content or expertise provided.

These is called external links and they help promote your online presence. The better you prepare yourself, the easier it will be to gain these valuable links.

You can ask your colleagues, friends, and family to link to you or use third-party websites like Google+, Facebook, and Twitter to create links.

But remember, don’t spam, and don’t go onto illegal sites to get them.

Invest in a website review

It is very important to do your research before investing in any service or product. There are many ways to check the quality of a company, but one of the most reliable ones is doing your online search!

By using tools such as Google to perform a quick search, you can easily find all sorts of information about a business including reviews, comparisons, price lists, and more.

Google also offers a way to get trustworthy insights about a business by asking them “quality survey” questions that have been vetted and certified by an external organization. These are typically done once a year and only cost around $100 to complete.

This article will go into detail on some things that are essential to look out for when reviewing the websites of other companies. But first, let us talk about why it is so important to do your research.

Use SEO keywords

When it comes to ensuring your website is optimized for search engines, one of the first things you should do is make sure that your site navigation and internal linking are easy to find and use. How well can you navigate your website? Are there clear definitions for each item?

Your website’s Navigation or “Menu” system should be able organized into categories and sub-categories so that users can easily locate what they want. Does every page link back to another page on your site? If not, start doing that!

Keywords and rich content (lots of pictures and descriptions) will help people find your pages when they perform a Google search. Make sure to include those important words somewhere within the text of each page.

And don’t forget to keep yourself from getting too focused on maximizing SEO for search engines.

Use SEO software

As mentioned before, not all free or paid plugins are designed to help you achieve your site’s ultimate goal- greater traffic!

Some add lots of extra features that may not be needed at this stage, which can hinder your website’s performance instead of helping it.

There is an app called Yoast (pronounced like ‘yayAST’) that adds a new option to every piece of content on your website, including headers, paragraphs, and even images! Another good one is RankMath. It can be found here

This additional metadata includes keywords, META descriptions, and rich snippets such as markup lists and BING tags.

These improve your web page’s UX (user experience) and enhance your SEO (search engine optimization). This article will discuss some tools to start optimizing your sites using Yoast.

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