Jan 17, 2023 | SEO Articles | 0 comments

by Frank Surget

Introduction to Rich Cards for Movies and Recipe Websites

Google has recently launched Rich Cards, a new feature that allows movie and recipe websites to display their content in a more visually appealing and engaging way on the search engine results pages (SERPs). This change is expected to have a significant impact on how users interact with search results, and it is important for website owners to understand the benefits and limitations of Rich Cards in order to optimize their websites for this new feature.

What are Rich Cards?

Rich Cards are a new form of structured data that allows movie and recipe websites to display their content in a more engaging way on the SERPs. This feature is designed to give users a better understanding of what a website has to offer by providing them with a quick overview of the content, and it is expected to improve the user experience by making it easier for users to find the information they are looking for.

Rich Cards are similar to other forms of structured data like Schema, but they offer more visual information which can be more engaging for users. They are typically displayed as a carousel of cards with one card representing each website’s content. Each card contains an image and a brief description of the content, as well as any other relevant information such as ratings or reviews. This makes it easier for users to quickly get an idea of what the website has to offer without having to click on it, leading to a better overall experience.

How do Rich Cards Work?

Rich Cards work by using a new form of structured data called schema.org. This structured data allows search engines to understand the content of a webpage and to display it in a more engaging way on the SERPs. The schema.org structured data is added to the webpage in the form of a script, and it is used to provide information about the content of the webpage, such as the title, description, and images.

Rich Cards are displayed on the SERPs with a larger image than regular search entries, as well as other information about the webpage, such as its author, rating, and price. Rich Cards can also be enhanced with interactive elements like carousels, which allow users to scroll through multiple pieces of content from within the entry. Rich Cards make it easier for users to find what they are looking for by providing more visual cues and allowing them to quickly scan through multiple results.

Mastering Rich Cards - Rich cards and rich smippets

Benefits of Rich Cards for Movie and Recipe Websites

  • Increased visibility: Rich Cards provide users with a quick overview of the content of a website, making it easier for users to find the information they are looking for.
  • Improved user engagement: Rich Cards are designed to be more visually appealing and engaging than traditional search results, which is expected to improve the user experience.
  • A better understanding of the content: Rich Cards provide users with a quick overview of the content, making it easier for users to understand what a website has to offer.
  • More control over how content is presented: Rich Cards allow websites to customize their content presentation to make it more appealing and relevant to users.
  • Better click-through rate: Studies show that Rich Cards have higher click-through rates than traditional search results, as they are more visually appealing and engaging.
  • Easy to implement: IIplementing Rich Cards does not require complex coding and can be done relatively easily with the help of schema.org structured data.

Limitations of Rich Cards

  • Limited to certain types of content: Rich Cards are currently only available for movie and recipe websites, and it is not clear when or if other types of content will be included in the future.
  • Additional development work: Implementing Rich Cards requires additional development work, as the schema.org structured data needs to be added to the webpage.
  • Not guaranteed to improve search rankings: While Rich Cards are expected to improve the user experience, they do not guarantee an improvement in search rankings.

Rich Cards FAQs

What are Rich Cards?

Rich Cards are a new form of structured data that allows movie and recipe websites to display their content in a more engaging way on the SERPs. This feature is designed to give users a better understanding of what a website has to offer by providing them with a quick overview of the content, and it is expected to improve the user experience by making it easier for users to find the information they are looking for.

How to get rich snippets?

In order to get Rich Snippets or Rich Cards for your website, you will need to implement structured data using schema.org markup. Here are the steps to do so:
  1. Identify the type of content you want to mark up: Rich Snippets and Rich Cards are currently available for a variety of types of content, including movies, recipes, and events.
  2. Use the appropriate schema.org markup: schema.org provides a variety of types of markup for different types of content. You will need to use the appropriate markup for your content type in order to get Rich Snippets or Rich Cards.
  3. Add the markup to your website: Once you have identified the appropriate markup for your content, you will need to add it to your website. This can typically be done by adding it to the HTML code of your webpage.
  4. Test your markup: Once you have added the markup to your website, you should test it to ensure that it is working correctly. Google provides a structured data testing tool that you can use to test your markup.
  5. Monitor your Rich Snippets or Rich Cards: After you have implemented your markup, it may take some time for Rich Snippets or Rich Cards to appear in search results. You can monitor the appearance of Rich Snippets or Rich Cards by using Google Search Console.
Please note that it’s not guaranteed that you will get rich snippets or rich cards even if you implement the structured data properly. Search engines have their own algorithms and policies for showing rich snippets or rich cards in their search results, and it depends on various factors.

What types of content are eligible for Rich Cards?

Currently, Rich Cards are only available for movie and recipe websites. It is unclear when or if other types of content will be included in the future.

Will implementing Rich Cards guarantee an improvement in search rankings?

While Rich Cards are expected to improve the user experience, they do not guarantee an improvement in search rankings. Search engines have their own algorithms and policies for showing Rich Cards in their search results, and it depends on various factors.

What if my Rich Cards are not showing up in search results?

If your Rich Cards are not showing up in search results, it could be due to a number of reasons such as the incorrect implementation of structured data or not meeting the requirements set by Google. You can check using Google’s structured data testing tool and fix any errors. Also, you can check your website on Google Search Console for any issues that Google is detecting.


In conclusion, Rich Cards are a new feature that allows movie and recipe websites to display their content in a more engaging way on the SERPs. While this feature is expected to improve the user experience, it is important for website owners to understand the benefits and limitations of Rich Cards in order to optimize their website for this new feature.

Rich Cards provide a great way to showcase content on the SERPs and make it easier for users to find what they are looking for. They also help websites stand out from the competition and drive more traffic. However, website owners must be aware of the requirements in order to get their content indexed and displayed properly by Google, as well as any potential pitfalls that come with using Rich Cards.


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